Exhibitions in Vienna's museums in honour of Beethoven
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The first one is the OENB, which is located in its beautiful ceremonial hall and is called "Beethoven. Menschenwelt und Götterfunken" (Beethoven's World and the Sparks of the Gods) in its beautiful state room until January 10th, 2021. In addition to many original letters, a part of the 9th Symphony with the famous text words "Freude schöner Götterfunken" will be performed for the first time in Austria.
The KHM presents a quite unusual exhibition in cooperation with the Archive of the Society of Friends of Music in Vienna. Under the title "Beethoven Moves", numerous paintings, drawings and sculptures build a visual bridge from Beethoven's time to the present from September 29th, 2020 until January 24th, 2021. The expressive power of his sounds will be vividly expressed, his music will not only be heard, but also seen.
From November 27th, 2020 to April 4th, 2021, the Leopold Museum is dedicating the exhibition "Inspiration Beethoven. A Symphony in Pictures from Vienna 1900", which will feature a dialogue with works by Klimt, Minor, Roller and others, showing Beethoven's comprehensive influence on the visual arts of Viennese modernism.
Haus der Musik has expanded its Beethoven Room to include the life and work of the composer. Musical excerpts from his most famous compositions as well as memorabilia from his life will be on display. Among them is the famous Heiligenstadt Testament. The project Inside Beethoven also makes it possible for visitors to experience what it feels like to be part of a musical ensemble.
Another must-visit is the Beethoven Museum in the Probusgasse in the 19th district, as the place is directly related to Beethoven's fate. As a former health resort for summer visitors, he sought healing or at least relief from his hearing problems here and wrote the Heiligenstadt Testament in 1802. At the same time he also worked here on some of his most important works. A particularly beautiful excursion in the summertime in combination with a visit to a Heurigen!