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A genuine Buschenschank wine tavern can only serve a cold buffet and wine which is produced on the premises. That’s why you mostly find a large selection of spreads and pickled vegetables on the Heuriger counter. Choose from Liptauer, a spicy cheese spread with paprika, Grammelschmalz (lard with crackling), Quargel (sour milk curd cheese) and Bradlfett (dripping), with crusty baked goods or bread. On a separate plate you’ll find pickled gherkins, gherkins pickled with mustard seeds, hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes.
Order as you wish, depending on what you fancy: on food warmers you’ll usually find roast pork, caraway roast and hamburgers as well as various side dishes, such as Erdäpfelgröstl (fried potatoes and onions), Knödeln (dumplings) and sauerkraut, to choose from. Substantial specialities such as Blunzengröstl (black pudding with fried potatoes and onions) or Schinkenfleckerln (diced ham and noodles) are also frequently offered. To go with this, they offer a mixed salad - you can choose what you want to make up your own bowl from the wide selection of salad items available. By the way: crackling is also eaten with wine.
To ensure you leave with a full stomach, it’s common at Heurige to bring a plate full of pastries to the table. Traditionally, the well-stocked plate is then placed in the middle of the table and everyone helps themselves from it: choose from little Punschkrapferln (rum-flavoured cakes), Mini-Schaumrollen (mini pastry rolls filled with whipped cream or meringue), Kokoskuppeln (coconut ‘domes’) and the not-to-be-missed Pischinger Tortenecken or Oblaten (Pischinger wafer cakes).
A little something to accompany the wine
According to Heuriger tradition, it is customary to remain at the table for a while after finishing your meal. After all, it’s meant to be relaxed and unhurried. A little something to accompany the wine: that’s why it’s common to order a small but sumptuous snack to ‘line the stomach’. A small bowl of Liptauer with Soletti salty snacks are commonly ordered as nibbles: they are dipped in the Liptauer and snacking happily continues until closing time.