How to get here
By public transport
Underground line U3 (Zieglergasse)
Bus 13a (Esterházygasse), 57a (Brückengasse)
Tranway lines 5 (Kaiserstraße), 6 & 18 (Mariahilfer Gürtel)
We reward our guests, if they have travelled to our hotel in an environmentally friendly way. Click here for the offer.
By car
Westautobahn (A1) – Direction city centre - Schönbrunner Straße - turn left onto Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel and Gumpendorfer Gürtel - turn right onto Gumpendorfer Straße and after approx. 750m turn left onto Stumpergasse - turn right onto Liniengasse - turn left onto Webgasse (first street on your left to get to the hotel entrance) or turn left onto Hirschengasse (second street on your left to get to our indoor parking)
Südautobahn (A2) – Exit city centre - Triesterstraße - straight ahead onto Reinprechtsdorfer Straße (till you reach Schönbrunner Straße) - turn left onto Linke Wienzeile - turn right onto Brückengasse - cross Gumpendorfer Straße straight ahead onto Stumpergasse - turn right onto Liniengasse - turn left onto Webgasse (first street on your left to get to the hotel entrance) or turn left onto Hirschengasse (second street on your left to get to our indoor parking)
Ostautobahn (A4) – A23 (direction Graz) - exit Gürtel/Landstraße - Margaretengürtel - Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel - Gumpendorfer Gürtel - turn right onto Gumpendorfer Straße and after approx. 750m turn left onto Stumpergasse - turn right onto Liniengasse - turn left onto Webgasse (first street on your left to get to the hotel entrance) or turn left onto Hirschengasse (second street on your left to get to our indoor parking)
Donauuferautobahn (A22) – Exit Nordbrücke / city centre - exit Gürtel - stay on Gürtel until you reach Europaplatz - turn left onto Mariahilfer Straße - turn right onto Webgasse (second street on your right) - turn left onto Schmalzhofgasse - turn right onto Hugo-Wolf-Gasse (via Loquaiplatz) - turn right onto Liniengasse - turn left onto Webgasse (first street on your left to get to the hotel entrance) or turn left onto Hirschengasse (second street on your left to get to our indoor parking)
Parking facilities
There is a garage with about 14 parking spaces at Hirschengasse 23
Garage fee: € 24,- per night
More information on how to get here by car or public transportation and on the parking facilities at the hotel can be found in the PDF.
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